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Sunday, August 7, 2016

Haptic communication

Haptics where you touch a person to add to the emotion of whatever you are saying. A hand over a shoulder, a handshake etc.

Haptic communication refers to the ways in which people and other animals communicate and interact via the sense of touch. As well as providing information about surfaces and textures, touch, or the haptic sense, is a component of communication in interpersonal relationships that is nonverbal and nonvisual. Touch is extremely important for humans and is vital in conveying physical intimacy. Haptics is a branch of nonverbal communication.


Proxemics which is personal space that people have and which varies by culture. See the queue at the bustops in Britain and you will know what I mean. They are all at least a metre from each other while waiting in a queue.  Some  cultures for example have a much smaller personal space.