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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dog tags

Need for Dog Tags

  • Due to the mass numbers of American casualties during the Civil War, soldiers and their superiors wanted men to be identified when they were killed. So soldiers began to fashion their own IDs out of symbols, pieces of wood or metal coins so that when their bodies were found, they would be buried in a way they desired and their military superiors, loved ones and family would know they were killed. This is still one of the primary uses for dog tags today among soldiers in the military, and they are usually removed and returned to the family in the event of their death.

Unconscious Identification

  • Sometimes, in the melee and madness of war, soldiers are badly wounded, knocked unconscious or are not able to communicate with doctors or other military personnel. The dog tags make it possible for them to be identified in these situations. Also, as many in the military look quite similar due to their fatigues and similar haircuts, the dog tags can be the one bit of individuality soldiers keep on them at all times.

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